Lynda has recently joined the Women in Property association to which she attended her first event with Andy Jansons as her guest.The first event, which Lynda decided to attend, was a Networking and Student Awards evening held on 3rd June. This event was held at Norton Rose Fulbright Head Office at 3 More London Riverside. The reception was held on the 9th top floor, which gave spectacular views.
Set out around the rooms was each student with their submitted piece of work entered into the awards. This gave all attend an opportunity to chat with the students about their schemes. At the beginning of the evening each person was given a networking card which had different bridges from around the world on it with four different areas of specialism e.g. architect, river. Each person had to find the other 3 people in the room with the same bridge on and exchange details. It was great way of getting everyone to make contact with each other even if only briefly. Once the activity was over everyone had broken the ice with each and the opportunity to make contact with new faces commenced.
As Lynda walked around the room she soon discovered that she was not the only new candidate to have joined. Lynda quickly started making new connects and has now arranged to meet a couple of people again at other Women in Property events. As you can imagine with Andy by Lynda’s side he was great hit with the majority of the room filled with women and the knowledge that he had too offer being a managing director. I am sure Andy, Michael and Huw will be lining up to attend the next event with Lynda.