Last week we visited Edinburgh for two reasons. One, to check the progress of SoCo and two, enjoy some of the entertainment offered in the Fringe Festival. More on the madness of the Fringe later, first let’s look at SoCo.
Every time we visit, the building has matured. The outside is looking almost complete but there is, of course, still plenty of interior work to do, which is moving on apace.
Practical completion is scheduled for November 2013. Keep checking the blogs for details, we’re planning an opening party!
August in Edinburgh is all about the Festival and the Fringe Festival. We were lucky to be hosted by John Shepherd and David Kilgour of Whiteburn, and the inimitable Hartley Kemp of C venues, who run a multitude of shows in many locations, all like clockwork. They looked after us fantastically in their main location, The India Buildings on Victoria St. The shows are varied to say the least and, as we were quite a large group by then, we split into two groups as some of the shows are in very small venues. The Rat Pack was the most popular, with rave reviews from Michael and his wife Sandra. The strangest (and most bottom numbing at about 2 hrs) was Macbeth, set in a World War Two bunker. Weird but brilliant. You have to visit Edinburgh during the Festival to appreciate just how much is going on, but hopefully the pictures below will give you a flavour of the streetlife during the day.