Dorney lakes saw the annual ‘friendly’ competition as the Jansons Charity Row took place once again in aid of Alexander Jansons Myocarditis UK. The event saw thirteen teams of seven crewing cornish gig’s battling it out over 200m, six taking up the oars and the other in charge of steering.
All teams turned up in full strength with eight teams beating the previous standing record with IHG smashing a new record time of 1:08! Berkeley took the win when it mattered in a tense final by a small margin of one second claiming the Jansons cup. The most improved team on the day were Lichfield and Evoke who took their time down from 1:57 to 1:22 and Big Gun Digital ended up taking home the crabbed oar on the day.
The Jansons boat was under the hands of our project manager Paul Nash as he naturally sprung into his managerial role, bringing the team together as one, although I think he got sick of his name in the first round as our Cox decided to shout ‘pull’ from start to finish. Henry also had a blunder on the repecharge round, slipping his oar out from his ‘strong’ rugby hands costing us from making the final whilst Tom weighed us down after going up for thirds during lunch.
The buffet lunch and afternoon barbeque was fully welcomed to fuel up for the rowing. A big thank you to the hospitality of Eton College Dorney Lakes and for everyone who turned up, raising money and awareness around Myocarditis UK.
Thank you for joining us, Berkeley, Blaser Mills, DAY Architecture, Flourish, i-Transport, Foresters, Haslams Charted Surveyors, IHG, Lichfields, Evoke transport, RGP Architects, Savills Hotels, Big Gun Digital and Walsingham Planning.