Every month or so we have a discussion on market trends with a few colleagues over a full English breakfast. These are fairly casual events which generate some quite lively conversations.
Last Friday some old and some new faces came along to join us. Around the table (left to right) were – Dave Skilton (DHA), Chris Palomba (JSA), Chris Thomas, David Williams (Balmoral Land), Neil Seager (Haslams) and Caroline Waldron (LSH)
and Ken Lee (Putterills), Huw (Jansons), Nick Johnson (Trinity Land) and Andy Jansons.
The opening subject was one very close to all our hearts, the Election result. Relief and excitement were in roughly equal parts here, everyone felt the next few years could be very good and noted the market had already picked up from it’s pre-election doldrums. Prices, both commercial and resi, are rising and deals, especially bargains, are hard to come by.
Build costs were the next subject of conversation. Suppliers still haven’t geared back up from the recession and specific bricks etc. can be difficult to source. Building companies can pick and choose their projects and charge a premium for their services. Two people brought up instances of projects being put to 15 or so companies for tender and only 2 or 3 actually replying.
Other subjects discussed included office rents in Windsor (over £30 per sq ft now), Crossrail’s effect on resi prices in Maidenhead and Reading, Crossrail 2 and the shortage of industrial sites. Generally, the mood was optimistic despite the competition for sites hotting up again.
Our next breakfast is on Thursday, 2nd July, 7.45 am for 8am start, all done by 9. If you would like to attend please contact us.