Another rain free autumn morning, another Jansons clay pigeon shoot at the West London Shooting School. A lineup of the usual suspects assembled and, after a quick cuppa, set off to wreak destruction on as many clays as they could.
Team 1 was Andy, Neil Short of Travelodge and John Brace of Harwood Hutton.
Team 2 was Michael with Andrew Cole of Farino Cole Real Estate and Andrew Shaw, from Accor.
Team 3 consisted of Huw, Roger Wadhams, of Wadhams, and Duncan Campbell of Campbell Gordon.
Last, and by no means least, Team 4 comprised Steve Jones, Mayor of Beaconsfield, Jonathan Saunders of Hunt & Nash and Matthew Clarke from Lewis & Partners. Steve has kindly nominated the Alexander Jansons Foundation as his charity during his term as Mayor.
I say by no means least because Team 4 won the Team Prize and Steve was Top Gun of the day. That’s not too surprising when you know that he shoots regularly and even teaches on occasion. The prizes were distributed whilst they were waiting for the much loved full English breakfast, which seems to be a high point for some of the participants, usually those who are not such hot shots.
I’ll be back next week with more Jansons news.