Author: bgdteam

Bang Bang, He Shot Me Down.

Bang Bang, He Shot Me Down.

Another rain free autumn morning, another Jansons clay pigeon shoot at the West London Shooting School. A lineup of the usual suspects assembled and, after a quick cuppa, set off to wreak destruction on as many clays as they could. Team 1 was Andy, Neil Short of...
Alexander Jansons Foundation Facebook Challenge Part II

Alexander Jansons Foundation Facebook Challenge Part II

You may recall that, about a month ago, I blogged about Andy’s Facebook Challenge. He pledged to wear a comedy wig to work for a day if the Alexander Jansons Foundation Facebook page reached 1,000 likes before 1st October. It did, and here are the results…...
It’s September, let’s go shooting!

It’s September, let’s go shooting!

The summer break over, on 26th September Jansons reconvened their monthly clay pigeon shoot at the West London Shooting School. I don’t know how they do it but, despite threatening weather early in the morning, once again the rain held off and conditions...
Afternoon Tea and Cocktails at SOCO

Afternoon Tea and Cocktails at SOCO

The inaugural SOCO Afternoon Tea and Cocktails event was held on Thursday 25th September. In aid of the Alexander Jansons Foundation, it was held at the Alexander Building at SOCO, one of Jansons Edinburgh developments and it brought together the team who originally...
Planning approved!

Planning approved!

  Jansons are very pleased to have gained planning permission for the site at 350, Basingstoke Road, Reading. As you can see from the images, it’s going to improve the site hugely, replacing drab old buildings with light modern ones.   The new...