Author: Artemis Giannakopoulou

2 Virgin London Marathon places up for grabs

2 Virgin London Marathon places up for grabs

We have 2 Virgin London Marathon places up for grabs! Run takes place on 28th April 2019 – Public Ballot for places now closed, so why not run for Alexander Jansons Fund! Attend our London Marathon Training Day to gain valuable knowledge and talk to previous...
Our Charity Shoot at E J Churchill

Our Charity Shoot at E J Churchill

On Friday 21st September 2018 we hosted our first charity shoot afternoon at the award winning E J Churchill shooting ground in aid of the Alexander Jansons Fund. Set amongst 40 acres of woodland on the beautiful West Wycombe Estate we had a fantastic afternoon of...
1 Boat, 2 Men, 6 Days and 125 miles…

1 Boat, 2 Men, 6 Days and 125 miles…

At a time when most are planning a luxury cruise, veteran property professionals Roger Saper and Andrew Shaw are planning to pedal 125 miles down the Thames in a pedalo, to raise funds for Variety, the Children’s Charity. This is a wonderful charity helping to make a...