Another Friday, another clay shoot for Jansons at the West London Shooting Club. For once, our luck was out and it rained, but that didn’t dampen the spirits of our guests as we headed, some rather nervously having not shot before, out of the cosy clubhouse to our chilly, rainswept stands.

Mark Paynter, Andy, Rex Elliott, Bob Shattock, Huw, Vivien Rimmer, Matthew Clarke, Dermot Whelan, Kate, James Rowntree, Nick Martin
Most of the teams started briskly, with the exception of Kate’s team who were receiving plenty of specific instruction from Nick, an ex UK FITASC Team captain who is very thorough in his briefing of new guns. The extra attention paid off for Kate, who scored an impressive 9 points higher than ever before!

Dermot Whelan, Bob Shattock and instructor Nick
As ever, after the individual stands, we gathered for the Team Flush event. There were some incredibly lucky rabbits around, skipping thru’ barrages of shots without getting hit. Afterwards, as the morning was getting decidedly chilly, we headed quickly back to the clubhouse for breakfast.

Nick Martin, Mark Paynter and Rex Elliott renew old acquaintance.

Huw, Top Gun James Rowntree and Bob Shattock wait for the results from Andy.
While we waited for our full English to be served, Andy quickly added up the scores and announced the results. Top Gun was James Rowntree with an impressive 34, congratulations and a bottle of champagne to him. He also featured in the winning team, Andy’s team, who drafted in Matthew Clarke to make up their numbers. More champagne for James and a half bottle for Matthew. When breakfast arrived, we hungrily tucked in and even our beginners agreed it had been a fun morning.