A glorious start to another Friday morning shoot. Twelve of us started the day at 7.45am with a lovely well needed coffee, at that time in the morning! We then split into four teams of three before heading to the first stand. There are four stands in total in order for each person to get some practise in, as some are experienced and some not as much.
Two guests that attended where from Harwood Hutton, an accountancy firm from Beaconsfield. Harwood Hutton has sponsored the Alexander Jansons Foundation 5-a-side football tournament, held the following day. Andy set up this charity in memory of his son.
After the stands we all met at the flush cages. Everyone was acting calm although the adrenaline was probably running in anticipation for the shoot off. Each team was called up, with each member lined up in a row, the clays were set off in executive concession. About 30 clays are first released followed by 2 flash clays at the end. The first team was up and shot well however missed one of the flush clays and due to this was ridiculed for this. However the following two executive teams did the same, after lots of discussion, we all came to the conclusion that the flash clays were smaller than previous. One team did hit both flash clays which they were very proud of.
When adding up all the scores the overall winner was not as expected as they had actually missed one of the flash clays but over all shot the best. The winning team of the event was Andy Jansons, Peter Anglis and Grant Westall Rees. Top Gun for the day was Tom Bridgeman. We all headed off for the well-earned Full English Breakfast where the prizes were handed out.
Another very successful shoot completed.