Every year, in the approach to Christmas, the 100 Property Club holds a dinner, another opportunity for it’s members to network and also raise money for it’s chosen charity.
The 100 Property Club was established in 1972 as a unique social and networking organisation. The 100 members are all associated with property – be they agents, developers, consultants, lawyers or contractors and are spread over London and to the south and west of the Capital. As you can see below, it was well attended.
The chosen charity this year was The Lord’s Taverners, which is the UK’s leading youth cricket and disability sports charity dedicated to giving disadvantaged and disabled young people a sporting chance and, as usual, the Christmas dinner was held at the Intercontinental Hotel, Park Lane, on 9th December.
Andy is a member of the 100 Property Club and, as usual, took a selection of colleagues and guests to the event. As well as Michael, Huw and Lynda, Andy’s guests were Mark Paynter of Chase & Partners, Saar Sharron of Leonard Hotels, Alan Oliver of Travelodge, Rob Bray of Bray Fox Smith, Dominic Sturridge of Vincit Veritas and Alistair Jespersen, a consultant who is working with Jansons.
The speaker for the evening was Lord Digby Jones, or Baron Jones of Birmingham, who is an economy and business expert. He has served as Director General of the CBI and also (Labour) Minister of State for Trade and Investment, so had plenty to say. So much, in fact, that his 45 minute speech was the longest ever at a 100 Property Club dinner!
It was a very special night for Andy as, on behalf of the 100 Property Club, Lord Digby Jones presented him with a cheque for £1,500 for the Alexander Jansons Foundation.
Everyone enjoyed the evening, Lord Digby Jones was very entertaining in his marathon speech. It was a great chance to catch up with colleagues and friends who may not have been in contact for a while.
Don’t forget the next AJ Foundation event at Revs, Beaconsfield, on 21st Dec 2014. Click here to get info and tickets.